
Friday, May 17, 2013

Youth Still Lack Political Engagement, Advocate Says

17 May 2013

It is especially important that youth get more engaged in the political process as the country heads toward national elections in July, Cheang Sokha, executive director of the Youth Resource Development Program, told “Hello VOA” on Monday.
PHNOM PENH - Cambodian youth need to be politically active and engaged if they want to see their standards of living improved in the new mandate of government, a youth advocate says.

It is especially important that youth get more engaged in the political process as the country heads toward national elections in July, Cheang Sokha, executive director of the Youth Resource Development Program, told “Hello VOA” on Monday.

“They need to make sure they have their names on the voter lists and try to learn about candidates running for the parliamentary seats in their provinces,” he said.

Cambodia’s growing population is increasingly dominated by a younger generation, with more than half of the 9 million registered voters under the age of 30, he said. Engaging them in the political decision-making process is important to make changes in the country, he said.

“Participation in making living conditions better must be directly done within the leadership system, so that there will be infrastructural reform in the community for the benefits of citizens,” he said.

Parties have now registered their candidates for the July 28 polls, which will select members of the National Assembly. Both the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party and the ruling Cambodian People’s Party have listed candidates in their 20s and 30s, Cheang Sokha said.

But ordinary young citizens can also participate in the process through voting, he said. In order to do that, they must ensure their names are registered on the national voter list, and those who are participating should encourage others to do so, he said.

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